Private Limited
One of the most common types of commercial entities in India is the private limited company. In India, around 90% of businesses are registered as private limited companies. On an annual basis, around 150,000 businesses are registered. Currently incorporated under the Companies Act of 2013, it is a distinct legal entity with perpetual existence and limited liability.

The Limited Liability Partnership Act of 2008 governs Limited Liability Partnerships, or LLPs for short. Its liability to the partners is limited. Two partners participate in an LLP; there is no minimum capital investment requirement, but one partner must be an Indian resident, meaning he must be in India or have been there for 182 days. In India, LLP is frequently completed for small firms.

One Person
The One Person Company concept was created in response to the Companies Act of 2013 in order to encourage small business owners and entrepreneurs who have the ability to launch their own ventures and establish their own identities.

Public Limited
Calm down! Continue your business development plans and allow India’s suggested CA/CS team to establish your PLC. They will also provide you with ongoing support for documentation, preparation, filing, and follow-ups with the ROC and MCA.

Section 8
When a business is registered as a Non-Profit Organization (NPO) or Non-Governmental Organization (NGOs), that is, when it has the purpose of advancing the arts, commerce, education, charity, environmental protection, sports, science, research, social welfare, or religion, and plans to use its profits (if any) or other income for the purposes specified in section 8(1a, 1b, 1c) of the Companies Act of 2013, it is referred to as a Section 8 Company.

Business Registration
Are you considering registering your company? Our team of professionals assists you in developing a unique brand for your company.
Every entrepreneur who wishes to launch a company in India encounters a distinct set of challenges. An owner must make well-informed decisions at every stage of the company. One of the most important choices that needs to be taken early on.

One kind of Non-Banking Financial Company (NBFC) that is committed to lending or borrowing money to all of its members as needed is a Nidhi Company. The Nidhi Rules, 2014, allow members to borrow funds secured by material assets like gold, real estate mortgages, etc. The firms Act of 2013 requires Nidhi firms to register.The Nidhi Company was founded with the intention of encouraging thrift among its members by accepting deposits .

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